Google’s Gmail was down….

Google’s Gmail was down….

Had trouble logging into Gmail today? Wondered why it is logging you out? You were among the many Gmail users whose accounts were affected by the outage that hit Gmail today.

According to Web reports, Gmail crashed for a long period of time on Tuesday morning in many parts of the world. Users trying to login had to wait for several minutes only to get a request by Google to retry after 30 seconds.

Each time a user tried to login, Google prompted, “The server encountered a temporary error and could not complete your request. Please try again in 30 seconds.”

Apologising for inconvenience, the internet giant stated on the Google Apps Status Dashboard that if anyone sees a temporary error 502 message it means the mail account is temporarily inaccessible.

The outage comes as Google just ended its advertising campaign that aimed to persuade companies to leave Microsoft applications such as Outlook and Word for Google’s online Apps for Your Domain, which has Gmail as its centerpie

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