Bluescreen after DISKCRC.SYS…

A friend has a Lenovo laptop running Vista Home Premium. Right now, when booting to Vista the PC bluescreens and starts the boot process over again....
Bluescreen after DISKCRC.SYS…
A friend has a Lenovo laptop running Vista Home Premium. Right now, when
booting to Vista the PC bluescreens and starts the boot process over again.
This happens in normal as well as safemode.

When in safemode the last file loaded is DISKCRC.SYS (probably just the last
SYS file that would normally load). After a few seconds the bluescreen
occurs and the laptop restarts. I don’t have the details from the bluescreen

There have been no changes to the laptop.

Any idea what may be happening?

I haven’t had time to do a deep inspection, but BIOS settings are all
correct and trying to boot to the last known good configuration doesn’t
change anything. I don’t see an option to not restart on bluescreen from
safe/normal mode boot screen.

Of course Lenovo won’t send out a Windows disc and one was never created
when the laptop was purchased, so I currently don’t have a disc that I can
reload the laptop with.

We will be happy to hear your thoughts

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