Backupify Offers Free Unlimited Account Until End of January 2010

Backupify is an online backup service that backs up all your online data (Gmail, Twitter, Facebook, Flickr, Google Docs, Zoho, ect.) to the cloud, Amazon S3 more specifically. Normally, it charges a fee depending on the package. But now, you sign up a free, unlimited account for free, until January 31, 2010, more like a [...]
Backupify Offers Free Unlimited Account Until End of January 2010

Backupify is an online backup service that backs up all your online data (Gmail, Twitter, Facebook, Flickr, Google Docs, Zoho, ect.) to the cloud, Amazon S3 more specifically. Normally, it charges a fee depending on the package. But now, you sign up a free, unlimited account for free, until January 31, 2010, more like a Christmas and New Year gift for you.


I am saving most of my data online, so it will be a great service for me to backup all my online data. I will definitely give it a try, so do you!

[via WebUp8]

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