Backing up

Hi Everyone I have a question, I have my STORE FOLDER for WLM on my D: backup drive so I know that it is safe. Well on that D: store drive the...
Backing up
Hi Everyone I have a question,

I have my STORE FOLDER for WLM on my D: backup drive so I know that it is
safe. Well on that D: store drive the WLM DATA FOLDER is 254 MB.

But I did a backup and restore and I noticed that when I EXPORTED ALL
EMAILS to my backup D: that the folder is only 157 Megs.


254 – 157 = 97 megs missing, I mean all the emails ARE THERE…. but I am
just wondering why is it considerably smaller? Does backing up compress the
emails or something?

Also, how come when I re imported, and I am sorry this has prob been asked
before but why are my folders under STORAGE instead of up under the account
like they were before?


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