Automattic is now a Domain Registrar

Automattic recently appeared on ICANN’s list of accredited registrars as ID #1531, meaning that the company is now a full-fledged accredited domain registrar. is one of Automattic’s most popular services, and domain mapping is one of their most popular upgrades, so this is potentially yet another game-changing move for the company. According to Automattic
Automattic is now a Domain Registrar

Automattic recently appeared on ICANN’s list of accredited registrars as ID #1531, meaning that the company is now a full-fledged accredited domain registrar. is one of Automattic’s most popular services, and domain mapping is one of their most popular upgrades, so this is potentially yet another game-changing move for the company.

According to Automattic founder Matt Mullenweg, Automattic will continue to partner with GoDaddy until they have finished building tools to take advantage of their new registrar status over the next few months.

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