Apple Offering Free Hard Drive Replacements For MacBooks Bought Between 2006 – 2007 [Apple]

MacBooks bought between 2006 and 2007 could be eligible for a free hard drive replacement, with Apple dodging a guilty admission, stating that "a very small percentage...may fail under certain conditions."

If you own a white or black MacBook bought between 2006 and 2007, with either a 1.83GHz, 3Ghz, or 2.16GHz processor and 60GB, 80GB, 100GB, 120GB or 160GB, you may be in luck. Or out of luck—as you have to prove the hard drive actually has failed.

The offer is open until August the 15th of this year, or three years after the MacBook was purchased. Now all Apple has to do is address the faulty iMac problem, and we're gold. Oh, and these eight issues with the iPad...[Reg Hardware]

Image credit: TheYoungThousands

Apple Offering Free Hard Drive Replacements For MacBooks Bought Between 2006 – 2007 [Apple]

MacBooks bought between 2006 and 2007 could be eligible for a free hard drive replacement, with Apple dodging a guilty admission, stating that “a very small percentage…may fail under certain conditions.”

If you own a white or black MacBook bought between 2006 and 2007, with either a 1.83GHz, 3Ghz, or 2.16GHz processor and 60GB, 80GB, 100GB, 120GB or 160GB, you may be in luck. Or out of luck—as you have to prove the hard drive actually has failed.

The offer is open until August the 15th of this year, or three years after the MacBook was purchased. Now all Apple has to do is address the faulty iMac problem, and we’re gold. Oh, and these eight issues with the iPad…[Reg Hardware]

Image credit: TheYoungThousands

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