Amazon on Wednesday launched its Prime Music service in India. Amazon Prime Music will be available as part of the company’s Prime membership. This makes the service accessible to users on Android and iOS apps, desktop and web player, Fire TV sticks and Echo devices. Amazon Prime membership is available at Rs 999 per year.
- Amazon Music App for Android – If the Amazon Prime Music application isn’t pre-installed on your device, you can install it from the Amazon Appstore or Google Play – just search for “Amazon Music.”You can also open Amazon Prime Music Apps from your device’s mobile web browser to download the app from the Amazon Prime Music installation page.
- Amazon Music for iPhone, iPad & iPod touch – You can install the Amazon Prime Music app from the App Store–just search “Amazon Music” to find the app.
- Amazon Music for PC & Mac – Amazon Prime Music for PC and Mac is a desktop application you can install on your computer to play Amazon Prime Music and music already stored on your computer.
- Play Music on Multiple Echo Devices – You can see your compatible Echo devices during setup for Multi-Room Music.