new NoteIII MetalBlueGoA Rom
Rebuilt modes:
Improved interface
Rebuilt system software
Remade graphics system
for camera
Reinstall gallery app SnapCam_Hdr.apk from the directory system / app all the rules will be 😉
download link :
its base rom by Deepanshu Agnihotri
modified by Arhitektor58.
tested working –Khajaa Moienz.
new NoteIII MetalBlueGoA Rom
new NoteIII MetalBlueGoA Rom
Rebuilt modes:
Improved interface
Rebuilt system software
Remade graphics system
for camera
Reinstall gallery app SnapCam_Hdr.apk from the directory system / app all the rules will be 😉
download link :
its base rom by @[100001330562612:2048:Deepanshu Agnihotri]
modified by Arhitektor58.
tested working -@[1595557138:2048:Khajaa Moienz].