DNS Changer – DNS Malware – Is your computer Infected? How To?

DNS Changer – DNS Malware – Is your computer Infected? How To?

Update on March 12, 2012: To assist victims affected by the DNSChanger malicious software, the FBI obtained a court order authorizing the Internet Systems Consortium (ISC) to deploy and maintain temporary clean DNS servers. This solution is temporary, providing additional time for victims to clean affected computers and restore their normal DNS settings. The clean DNS servers will be turned off on July 9, 2012, and computers still impacted by DNSChanger may lose Internet connectivity at that time.

You can also test to see if you are affected by visiting the following DNSChanger Check-Up sites below. If this Check-Up site indicates that you are affected by DNSChanger, then visit http://www.dcwg.org/cleanup.html for information on how to address this problem.




http://www.dns-ok.us/ English DNS Changer Working Group (DCWG)
http://www.dns-ok.de/ German Bundeskriminalamt (BKA)
Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik (BSI)
http://www.dns-ok.fi/ Finish CERT-Fi
http://www.dns-ok.ax/ Swedish CERT-Fi
http://www.dns-ok.be/ Dutch/French CERT.be
http://www.dns-ok.fr/ French CERT-LEXSI
http://www.dns-ok.ca/ English/French CIRA and CCIRC
http://www.dns-ok.lu/ English CIRCL
http://dns-ok.nl/ Dutch/English SIDN

Source : https://forms.fbi.gov/check-to-see-if-your-computer-is-using-rogue-DNS

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