Excluding Specific Automatic Updates.

When the update icon appears in the Notification Area click on it. That opens a list of updates offered. UNcheck the box next to KB973346. Click OK...
Excluding Specific Automatic Updates.
When the update icon appears in the Notification Area click on it.
That opens a list of updates offered.
UNcheck the box next to KB973346. Click OK and another small windows
pops up.
Put a check next to " If you ever show me this update again I’ll buy a
Mac " … but seriously, I think the box says " Do not show this update
again " or some similar verbiage. Doing that will Hide the update and it
will not be reoffered.

*-343-* FDNY
Never Forgotten

"Security updates should *not* have *non-security content* prechecked"

PowerUser wrote:

> Recently, an Active X killbit update — KB973346 caused one of our Excel
> 6.0 VBA applications running under XP Service Pack 3 to fail when calling
> MSHFlexgrid1. This is a very important application of our inventory control
> and shipping functions.
> After doing System Restore and working through the Custom Update process,
> KB973346 was the culprit. Fortunately, it can be removed through Add/Remove
> Programs, so we are able to function.
> However, KB973346 continues to be listed as a critical update and Microsoft
> continues to try to update our machines unless we turn off Automatic
> Updates, which we would rather not do.
> Is there a way to exclude KB973346 while still using Automatic Updates ??
> Seems like a reasonable capability to include.
> We are not big enough … 20 users … to have a full time system
> administrator set up a bench testing process and manage the distribution of
> updates to user workstations.
> Thanks
> PowerUser

We will be happy to hear your thoughts

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