New Mail Icon

Hello Granny Windows Mail does not have a notification tray icon included with it b default in Vista. However, this will show you how to add one...
New Mail Icon
Hello Granny

Windows Mail does not have a notification tray icon included with it b
default in Vista. However, this will show you how to add one…-tray-icon.htm

You might find that "Windows Live Mail" may be a better choice for yo
since it includes this feature and more

‘Mail – Windows Live’ (

Hope this helps

Granny;1138902 Wrote:
> Windows Mail is not displaying a New Mail Notification icon in th
> syste
> tray. Is this an option that I just can’t find? It’s terribl
> inconvenient
> since i don’t usually have sound turned on I don’t know when I get ne
> mail
> Help


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