Moving a file within a folder causes songs to disappear from WMP

When I burn cds onto my PC it creates a file under the artist's name in the "My Music" folder. Every few weeks I back up all the songs onto a...
Moving a file within a folder causes songs to disappear from WMP
When I burn cds onto my PC it creates a file under the artist’s name in the
"My Music" folder. Every few weeks I back up all the songs onto a separate
hard drive, after which I move all of these individual artist files into one
general file, which enables me to keep track of what has been backed up. This
general file (I call it
"Songs from CDs not kept"), is located in the "My Music" folder as well.
I’ve been doing this for a long time. However lately when I move the songs
into the general ("from cds not kept") file they disappear from WMP. This
never used to happen, and I don’t see how I’m doing anything different.

I cannot for the life of me figure this out!

Of course the songs are still on my computer, and if I go into my PC
folders & click on one it will play through WMP & then reappear in the WMP
library. But it will no longer retain the information of when it was
downloaded or anything else I may have added at that time.

As a former DJ now trying to reduce my vinyl/cd collection, I have way too
many songs to have to one by one re-add them to WMP; besides, why should I
have to? There’s got to be a solution out there. I hope someone can help me
find it!

Thanks so much!

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