will IE8 work with smart tags (QuickVerse)?

Contact QuickVerse Support and ask if it's supported in IE7 or IE8 (yet). DavidU wrote: > I had tried IE7 briefly but discovered that a...
will IE8 work with smart tags (QuickVerse)?
Contact QuickVerse Support and ask if it’s supported in IE7 or IE8 (yet).

DavidU wrote:
> I had tried IE7 briefly but discovered that a function in one of my
> favorite
> programs stopped working. Back then, I found a post where someone else
> had
> the same happen, and it was OK after uninstalling IE7, reverting to IE6.
> That also worked for me. Hence I’ve not ventured to "update" later to
> IE8.
> The other person’s post had alluded to "smart tags" as I recall, used in
> the
> QuickVerse library. Specifically, I mean blue reference numbers next to a
> word in a text, and clicking on that number causes that word’s definition
> to
> appear in another open book window. Can someone tell me if IE8 includes a
> way to keep those "tags" working? (If so, how?)
> Thanks!

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