two partition problem

sorry, i wrote this for xp general and put it in wrong place again, dont know how to take it off "rubyg" wrote: > Hi, i have just restored a...
two partition problem
sorry, i wrote this for xp general and put it in wrong place again, dont know
how to take it off

"rubyg" wrote:

> Hi, i have just restored a friends laptop to factory settings as windows

> > wouldnt load , getting blue screen error message, we managed to get all
> > her
> > pictures off first and just took it back to the begining, it is an acer
> > aspire 3690 , supposed to have 60GB HDD, when i look at it there is two
> > partitions , one is acer (C) 25.2 GB total size, 16.2 GB,free space, the
> > other is acerdata (D) 25.7 GB total size, 25.7 GB free space, if i make a
> > recovery cd is it possible to combine the two partitions to make one
> > decent
> > size drive, 16.2 Gb isnt really much good, having 25Gb sitting empty if it
> > could be used, just an idea, is it possible ?

> PS. is it possible to use the acerdata ( D ) drive to store pictures and
> important stuff, im thinking that if a restore is ever needed again this
> would keep her stuff safe and use space that seems to be wasted at the
> moment, just a thought

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