Re: Windows 2003: Replacing Drive with Boot.ini file. Can I move it to other drive?

"mitchkill" wrote in message > First of all, let...
Re: Windows 2003: Replacing Drive with Boot.ini file. Can I move it to other drive?
"mitchkill" <> wrote in message
> First of all, let me explain that this situation involves a server
> that is located in a data center a good distance from where I live.
> Thus, the only means that I have of working with the server is through
> RDP or by proxy through my data center tech. If I could get my hands
> on the server, I probably could figure out how to do what I would
> like. As I cannot, I need a little help from you guys!
> Here is the situation. I am currently running Windows 2003 Standard
> with the following hard disk setup
> RAID I – 500 GB HDDs (OS and data files – F:)
> IDE – 500 GB HDD (Backup drive and boot.ini – C:)
> SATA – 500 GB HDD (Secondary backup drive – E:)
> Yes, oddly enough, when the techs installed Windows on this system,
> the OS went on the mirrored drives (as I desired), but the boot.ini
> file went onto the IDE drive. Now, the IDE drive is on its last legs.
> We would like to replace the drive, but if we disconnect the IDE
> drive, we are told "The operating system cannot be found." I figure
> that this is due to the inability to locate the boot.ini file to
> determine where the OS is.
> So, in theory, I would think that if I can move the boot.ini file to
> the RAID drive and tell the computer to look on the RAID drive for the
> boot.ini file, then I can replace the IDE drive without any problems
> at all. However, I am not very sure how to do this without messing
> things up worse than they are. Is it simply just a matter of copying
> the boot.ini file to the other drive? Are there other files or things
> that I need to consider? If I do move the boot.ini file over, will it
> change my drive letters?
> In case you need it, I’ve captured a screenshot of the Disk Management
> Console which you can reach here:
> Thank you for any and all help you can provide in this matter.

Someone appears to have gone out of his way to create a non-standard disk
and partition environment! If this was my own machine then I would play it
safe like so:
1. Format a floppy disk on this machine.
2. Copy the following files to A:\ –
– boot.ini
– ntldr
3. Modify boot.ini so that you can clearly recognise a floppy boot.
4. Set the BIOS so that the server boots from A:.
5. Test the floppy boot.

If this floppy boot works then you can play with your various disks and
partitions without the risk of creating an unbootable system.

We will be happy to hear your thoughts

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